Sunday, June 27, 2004 FAr i'm soo LaggiN stILL.. hav oni manage 2 covER 1/3 oF RussIan Rev. 2/3 of FrenCh REv. 1/2 of OriGins of WW1. 1/3 of EurOpeAn NationALism (iTaLiAn & GerMan UniFicaTion).. shoot.. sTilL alOT m0RE 2 go.. WanNa stiLL stuDY 4 eConS ..haha.. dIe-iN of NaturAL DEatH i gUess.. HaIz.. Wat eLse caN I be d0in erM.. WELL i'm gLad i'VE got my bLog a weBcounTER & i'm AbLe 2 poST PhoTOS in my BLogpoSTs.. thankS 2 HaN's ideA.. hehehe.. & fiddY's bloG paGe - ttZ whER i gOT "insPiRED" 2 geT a weBcountER.. hehee.. ThanKS guyS if u aLL rEAD thiS..~

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