I've decided 2 write in an entry after seein my blog nt being updated quite long oredi.. Hmm.. I've been feelin down.. I noe I looked tired but yea inside of me is even more tired out.. I've somehow stop worryin much.. but I still looked weary.. Thanks Ina for da tot of writin me sum motivation..hehe.. & yea da lollipop's soo nicey.. hehe.. Well.. If it's meant 2 be.. it will be rite.. I juz happen 2 like him.. but like wat u guys advice me.. I'm nt hopin for anythg.. I noe myself betta.. & I can read my inner soul betta..Though how I wish it wd hav been nice if he knew abt me earlier.. hehe wat crap am I thkin? I thk my tots are abit "rojak" nw..sowie.. I mean.. wat wd happen if he knows I hav smth goin on for him.. wd he shun me? avoid me nt tok to me? wd he be angry? wd he dislike me.. for I may nt be of a certain standard or criteria of an ideal gal to him?? or wd it be all of da opposite.. tt wat i'm hopin for.. for him 2 accept me for whu I am.. nt wat am I, how I look dress tok wateva..?? will it be easy for me? or will it turn out to be somewhat of a rocky road ahead.. wateva it is.. I'll let time decide.. I'll take things as it comes onto me.. slowly..bit by bit..ish.. I'm juz being in a wishful thkin mode nw.. shoot.. sum1 shoot me.. hate myself for feelin tis wae.. for ur info, whuz da person.. it's sum1 oni my closest peepz will noe of.. yea u guys noe abt it.. for those whu dun.. i'll gif u "helpful" clue: He's fair & stands at 175cm. go figure it out.. hahaha..
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Thursday, July 01, 2004
aikZ.. guEss i'LL hav t0 sTop bLoggIn.. peEPz iF uRE reADinG tiZ sh0RT buT importaNT mSg - taKE n0te: fr0M 7tH jULy onWARdS mOi inTernET aCCEss aT h0mE wiLL bE cuT oFF! s0 n0 moRE surfinG, checkInG oF maIL & frieNDsTR acc0unTs anym0RE.. soBz* soBZ*.. WELl thankS aLOT dAD~.. hE's worriED thESE aRE diStracTIons & obSTacLes 2 doiN weLl foR mY As.. heLLo.. i"m oREDi n0t doinG wELL ahakzz.. ahakzz.. niWAe.. I'M gLad derE's stiLL DA SMS! hP's aLiVE!.. hahaha.. s0 guESS TAT'z DA enD oF tiZ finAL enTRY oF miNe.. t0 aLl pEEPz wHu haV BeeN readInG mY entriES .. thankS s00 muCh 4 suppoRTinG mE yEAh.. takE caRE & g00D LucK 4 Ur upcomIng A leveLs.. ciaO~!
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